In consultation with senior leadership, the National Collections Program administers several endowment funds. For additional information, visit our endowments SharePoint page.
Coffey Quilt Quasi-Endowment
In 2012, the Smithsonian Board of Regents approved the establishment of the Barbara Coffey Quilt Quasi-Endowment to support the acquisition, preservation, digitization, management, exhibition or other such purposes of quilts in Smithsonian collections. Proposals for funding through this quasi-endowment are accepted on a rolling basis.
Rapid Response Collecting Fund
In October 2023, Central Trust Quasi-Endowment funds were designated by the Smithsonian Board of Regents and the Secretary to diversify and expand Smithsonian collections by funding rapid-response efforts to collect in response to contemporary events as they evolve. Proposals for support from the Rapid Response Collecting Fund are accepted on a rolling basis.
Dr. Ann Read Gaines Endowment
Established in 2016, the Dr. Ann Reed Gaines Endowment supports the care, preservation, conservation, and curation of Smithsonian collections. Proposals for support from this fund are accepted on a rolling basis.
If you have a collections project consistent with the purposes of either endowment noted above, please contact Bill Tompkins or Amelia Kile.